Aspire Curriculum
Nurturing curiosity, resilience, respect and excellence; our children will thrive and live life well
We believe that our schools should deliver a curriculum that supports every child to achieve their potential and make consistent progress in their learning. Every child has the right to an inclusive curriculum, and one that ensures disadvantage and additional needs do not act as barriers to learning and achievement.
Aspire values should underpin every school’s curriculum and should be clear and demonstrable:
Each academy has the autonomy to design a curriculum offer to best meet the needs of the community it serves. There should be a clear curriculum intent that seeks to deliver the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for RE and the Guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
Each curriculum should also deliver the following Aspire curriculum principles.
- The Early Years Curriculum is a high-quality experience that supports the learning needed throughout the children’s time in school
- Reading and effective communication are essential priorities to ensure children access the full curriculum offer
- There must be a systematic and rigorous approach to phonics to support children’s reading
- Maths is taught through a mastery approach that ensures a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. This is based on the NCETM’s 5 ‘big ideas’
- A consistent approach to quality teaching that is rooted in a strong evidence base e.g. Education Endowment Foundation
- Expert subject leadership ensuring strong subject knowledge and effective delivery
- Clear and progressive sequences of learning in every subject that seek to teach the appropriate knowledge and skills
- Full access to the curriculum is ensured for all SEND children through appropriate inclusive provision
- Assessment reviews prior learning to ensure knowledge is embedded and informs next steps, but also is manageable and does not impact unfavourably on learning
- Lessons are engaging, challenging and contain exciting experiences that children will remember for the rest of their lives. This includes frequent and progressive Outdoor Learning experiences
- Children are educated to succeed socially, ready for the next phase of their learning by developing resilience, respect and the ability to reflect Character education framework - GOV.UK (
- There is a commitment to the well-being of children and adults
- The use of Trauma Informed Schools (TIS) and effective systems and routines ensures a positive working atmosphere throughout the school
- Relevant, modern and reflective of our changing world, including digital literacy
- Effective use of resources & technology to enhance learning opportunities
Useful links
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
NCETM Five Big Ideas for teaching Maths Mastery
Education Endowment Foundation - Teaching & Learning Toolkit
SEND guidance
Character Education Framework